Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thoughts And Opinions: Indiana Jones V

Just a few days ago, Shia LaBeouf announced that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg had reached an agreement on the plot of the next Indiana Jones movie. Because LaBeouf announced this, it appears that he may already be casted for the next movie, along with, presumably, Harrison Ford.

Unfortunately, fans might be so pleased at this announcement. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull, the latest installment in the franchise, was considered a "bust" by many. Personally, while I did enjoy the movie while watching it, I agree with those who claim the alien plot was outlandish and unfitting.

But does this mean that we shouldn't give Indy another chance? The first three movies are already considered timeless classics. This proves that Ford is capable of carrying a blockbuster movie, as we already know. Personally, I do believe that we need to give Indy another chance.
Ford is aging, and eventually will not be able to make an action movie so easily. That's why I like to look at this upcoming Indiana Jones V as a sort of "goodbye" to Harrison Ford, allowing him to retire from his position as Indiana Jones.

And with the possibility of Ford retiring from the series, where does
that leave fans? The Crystal Skull left the obvious possibility of LaBeouf taking over as Indy. And he even did an amazing job in the movie, not to mention all of his previous undertakings that made him so famous (Eagle Eye, Disturbia, Transformers). I would be glad if LaBeouf took over as Indy, though fans might react differently. Watch out for more information on the next installment in the franchise.

Image credit: TIME (here), (here).

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