Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25: A Day That Will Live In Infamy

Today, the world was stricken with grief as Farrah Fawcett, after a long battle with anal cancer, passed away. But, unfortunately the pain would not end as it has been confirmed that Michael Jackson has also passed away today.

Farrah Fawcett, who was most famous for playing Jill Munroe in the hit TV series Charlie's Angels, was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2006, acted as a role model for cancer patients with her aggressive attitude toward her disease. She unfortunately passed away early this morning, at 9:30 PDT. Her documentary, Farrah's Story, aired a little over
a month ago, and documented her time with cancer. Fawcett also acted as a sex symbol of the 1970s.

Jackson's death, while confirmed by TMZ and the LA Times, has been met with both grief and skepticism. Because he is "known for his theatrics", a few believe that this may be a stunt - unlikely, however, has he did suffer a serious heart attack earlier in the day. Jackson was one of the most popular musicians of all time, having been admitted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice. His most popular song, undoubtedly, was Thriller.

Fawcett and Jackson will be greatly missed, and June 25 will surely be a day that no one forgets.

Image credit: HamovHotov (here), ESPN (here).

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