Friday, June 19, 2009

Preview: Warfare 1944

Does the title of the game sound familiar? It should if you've ever played Warfare 1917, a highly popular World War I strategy game created by the Con Artist, a developer at Armor Games. About a month ago, the Con Artist revealed his latest project: Warfare 1944, a spirtual successor of Warfare 1917. With a planned release between now and June, fans are getting very excited for this new game.

There is a multitude of new features, including new "upgrade trees", missions with objectives and defensive missions, a great deal of voice acting, urban warfare, and much more. In addition to all these new features, there also appears to be interface, one that may make gameplay smoother and easier.

If you really take a look at some of the screens, you can see a few different types of units: Riflemen, Assault Team, Machine Gunners, and Snipers are all returning from the previous game. However, there is the addition of a new unit that wields Bazookas. There are three other spots for units: in the previous game, two would be filled by a General and a Tank unit; this leaves one brand new unit.

Also in the screens is the addition of "Resource Points", that seem to directly interact with units. The Assault team can throw grenades for 50 RP, along with two other actions that seem to be "Move out" and "Fire guns".

Instead of trenches, your troops will be forced to take cover behind whatever is on the field. This may change gameplay to a degree, but it appears the game will still have the same basic controls. I hope that this flash game sequel (of which there have been quite a few recently) will succeed just as well as the original game.

More screens can be found at Con Artist Games.

Image credit: Con Artist Games (here).

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