Saturday, June 20, 2009

Review: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Into The Inferno (Wii)

Being a big fan of the Avatar series, I was very excited about getting a chance to play Into The Inferno, which follows the third season of the TV show. And, while my excitement continued during the beginning of the game, by the end, I was severely disappointed.

The controls, although slightly "gimmicky", work for the most part. Each character has very similar attacks, however; no matter what element they bend, each character has the same moveset. This is very infuriating, as there is very little variety. The only difference between the characters is when they use their bending out of a battle; but, because Aang can bend all the elements, he is always the best choice.

Another problem I have with the game is the story arc. The basic timeline remains somewhat the same as the show, but there are some major differences made: Sokka does not go along with Aang and Toph when they try to find the Firelord, we never see the end of the invasion, Aang and Zuko never go to the Sun Warrior civilazation (instead going to the "Chamber of the Elements", made specifically for the game), Azula is not seen losing her sanity until the last few seconds, and the fight with Ozai (and with Azula) is changed drastically.

I did enjoy some parts of the game, mostly the combat, but by the end, I was not pleased with the whole package. The game is quite short, and will probably not please those who aren't big fans of the series. As much as I love the series, I have to give the game the less-than-amazing score of 4/10.

Image credit: PALGN (here)

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