Friday, June 5, 2009

Post E3: Metroid: Other M

Probably Nintendo's biggest shocker at the event, a new 3D Metroid game can get anyone excited - but will this game be even better than the previous ones?

As seen in the trailer, "Other M" could mean a few different things, though the rumors flying around the internet claim it means "Mother", and that the mysterious female character Samus speaks to in the trailer is her mother.

It appears in the trailer that the player will switch between a third-person and first-person point of view - and that's true. Nintendo has claimed that this transitions will be quick and seamless, and I'm not arguing - if anyone can do it, it's the combined team of Nintendo and Team Ninja.

The game takes place before Metroid Fusion, and promises to be heavy on story-telling and action - a big claim, but one that the Metroid series could definitely accomplish. And with both nintendo and Team Ninja (the developers of the Ninja Gaiden series) backing this game, it seems like it can't possibly fail. Now we'll just have to wait for the Metroid Prime Trilogy to whet our appetites.

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