Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Episode In Review: "Book Of Judges" (Mental)


Any doubts I previously held about Mental's ability to please audiences have been washed away. This episode was amazing, and I truly hope that this represents what the rest of the season will be like.

The episode started off well, with Dr. Jack Gallagher "assaulting" the head-honcho of a medication company, claiming that he doesn't care about the patients, only money. Apart from this, some great character development was seen in Arturo and Carl, with the latter asking the former to "spy" on Jack - beginning with the information on Jack's missing sister.

The strangest part of the episode was the patient - played by the late David Carradine, Gideon Graham is a catatonic patient, who had previously been stricken by lightning. He has been rendered mostly unable to move, and seemingly cannot connect with the real world.

That's where Dr. Gallagher comes in. Cutting off all of the man's emotional attachments to his late wife, whom he feels he "killed", the man is forced into slowly coming into the real world. Jack's use of the man's self-guilt eventually drives him back into reality.

The characterization that occurs in this episode makes it a huge improvement over the previous one - Jack himself even sees some character development as he begins a "relationship" with Gideon's daughter. Easily, this episode deserves a 9/10.

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