Monday, May 25, 2009

Interview: Founder of Rock Solid Arcade

electric overdrive has an exclusive interview with one of the greatest new Flash game developers on the internet - Michael Reitzenstein of Rock Solid Arcade. Read the interview below.

Q. When was Rock Solid Arcade founded?

A. Rock Solid Arcade was founded in late 2007, with the release of Stunt Pilot, followed up quickly by Dogfight, Stunt Pilot Trainer and Planet Cruncher.

Q. Why did you decide to start making games?

A. I always loved playing them, and started tinkering around with making them in high school. Most of the other members of Rock Solid Arcade have more or less the same story.

Q. Are all of your games created with just Flash?

A. Yes! We used to make casual games under the label Rock Solid Games, but we no longer do.

Q. How many projects do you currently have lined up? Do you have any information on these titles that you are ready to release to the public?

A. Unfortunately, I can't comment on future plans, but we've certainly got enough! Rumor has it though that in the future there may be robots and those robots may be meeting an untimely end.

Q. What made you decide to create such polished games, as opposed to creating many "less-than-pleasing" games like some other game studios?

A. Thanks! We did make a conscious decision to, as the world doesn't need more crappy games. Quality is our #1 concern, and that applies most of all to gameplay - we want our games to be a blast to play.

Q. Will we see any other games with a cost to unlock, like Robokill?

A. Yes, but also more free games, such as the recently released Stunt Pilot 2.

Q. Is there any chance that there will be downloadable features for games with a smaller cost, like in the Xbox Arcade?

A. I don't think so, unless we do projects that are completely different to what we do now. We want to overdeliver on value, not try to leach every last dollar out of our players.

Q. Will you ever expand into different genres, such as strategy or puzzle games?

A. Definitely strategy at some point, and definitely not puzzle games.

Q. Did you ever expect the kind of success achieved?

A. Yes. Haha! Just kidding. We never really thought about it - we just wanted to make some cool games.

Q. What are your future plans for Rock Solid Arcade?

A. More, bigger and better games. Onwards and upwards, and all that.

Q. Where do you get the music for your games? Is it composed on Garageband?

A. All the music comes from freelancers, I can't really comment on how it's written as I haven't got a clue.

And that's all for electric overdrive's first interview! More will be coming soon. In the meantime, check out Rock Solid Arcade - the hottest new game site on the web!

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