Friday, May 22, 2009

Flash Game Review: Shift 4

As I previously reported, the Shift series is continuing - first with the original Shift game releasing for iPhone, and continuing with the release of the flash game Shift 4.

The game starts off strong, with an odd and humorous plot leading you into the first level. You'll quickly realize that your "Shift" ability is obviously a main focus of the game, and will be necessary to help you solve the increasingly difficult puzzles.

The new ability to control ("CTRL") other characters adds an extra level of depth to the regular "Shift" puzzles, and this will be necessary in solving the truly difficult puzzles (in case you're wondering, you must keep all of the characters alive at all times).

I'll admit - I haven't finished the game yet! The game is quite new, and you will find yourself getting stumped quite often in the more difficult levels. The learning curve is a bit steep, but the game is still intriguing and the basic concept is still just as fresh as the original game (which is now available for iPhone, with bonus levels!). 8.5/10

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