Thursday, May 28, 2009

E3 Watchlist (Wii)

Every year at E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), dozens of new games are announced, but that doesn't mean we won't be getting a good deal of information on some of the games that have already been announced. Each day until the start of E3 (June 2), I will be take a look at the games to watch out for on each console.

Wii: This innovative new console is still all the rage among casual gamers, but Nintendo's old school fans have been clamoring for a good hardcore game; unfortunately, Nintendo has cooperated. But although Nintendo might not be giving us the games we want, some other developers have taken it into their hands to solve this problem, and these are likely to be the highlights of this year's Expo.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks: I've already stated my problem with the entire concept of this new cel-shaded Zelda game, but this game is
sure to please fans, just like every other Zelda game in the past. Most players have gotten over their dislike of the (now not-so-new) graphics, so this will likely be just as successful as previous games in the series.

Seeing as this game as only been announced recently, we have very little information on it - so that's why so many people are expecting a good deal of information on this installment at this year's E3. But, if you look at Nintendo's track record, we may not receive much information, and this game might not even be released until 2010 (remember the delays with Super Smash Bros. Brawl?).

Dead Space Extraction: While I've covered this in a previous post, I feel it necessary to stress how important this game is to the Wii. The Grinder (covered in the same post) is similarly gory and mature, but Dead Space: Extraction is a prequel to the original game, which won many awards, and also delivers a great deal of horror with a hardcore shooting experience.

This is sure to be a great game, and we can only hope that Visceral Games will be giving us as much information as possible on this exciting new game.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - The Crystal Bearers: A good RPG is nearly just as rare on the Wii as a good shooting game is. Fortunately, Square Enix (the master of RPGs) will be taking care of this problem as they release Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The
Crystal Bearers. This game will take a major shift from the previous games in the series - the creators have said it is set in a time period when "swords have changed to guns", and that magic will be "forgotten".

The story takes place many years after it's predecessor, and the Lilty race is experiencing a time of prosperity, along with the age of science and reason. Amongst this prosperity exists powerful beings known as "crystal bearers", or are feared and scorned by the public. Keep watch as we get more information on this game, which is likely to be one of the greatest RPGs to hit in the year (though the release date is still TBA).

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