Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ultimate Showdown: GORT VS. Optimus Prime

Although the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still went by without any thunderous applause, or any raving reviews, it wasn't a bad movie. And one of the coolest parts of the movie was the re-imagining of "GORT" (Genetically Organized Robot Technology). What started off as a nearly 8' actor in a costume became a CGI behemoth capable of mass destruction.

Because Gort is a giant robot, it wasn't hard to find a battle partner for him. Gort will be facing off against the world famous Optimus Prime, of the Transformers series. I will be using the latest movie version, as opposed to an older one, simply because I am using the newest version of Gort. And now: let the battle begin!


Optimus Prime patrols the city under the guise of a Peterbilt truck. All seems calm, until an explosion is heard nearby. Prime's radio tells him of an impending attack. "Something has escaped... government facility... great danger... evacuation... genetically organized... technology..." Prime jumps into action by transforming into his original form. And heads off in the direction of the trouble. But the trouble has already found him.

A swarm of grey bugs lands in the city, quickly materializing into Gort. Prime is dumbfounded, and is frozen. Gort takes advantage of his shock by releasing a laser blast that hits Prime directly, throwing him back several hundred feet. Prime fires a missile at the robot that shatters his left arm into millions of pieces. But that minor victory means nothing when his arm re-materializes within seconds.

But then Prime has an idea. He transforms back into his truck form, and drives away as fast as possible. Gort keeps up easily by breaking down into his swarm-form again. But just as Gort is about to destroy Prime, he transforms into his original form and runs in the opposite direction, scattering Gort. And Prime doesn't give Gort any time to recover - he quickly unleashes multiple missiles in the area, scattering Gort forever...

WINNER: Optimus Prime

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