Saturday, March 7, 2009

Greatest Villain of All Time Tournament

Whether it be a movie, game, or a TV show, there is nearly always an antagonist. The villain that causes all the trouble, whether it be trying to take over the world, kill the protagonist, or simply trying to cause chaos.

I've decided to commemorate these villains, and bow down to them in all their glory. And so begins the Greatest Villain of All Time Tournament. I will post here any time the tournament is updated, but the actual tournament will take place on Live Wire's new website.

This tournament will involve 16 of the most amazing villains from games, movies, and TV shows alike. For each "battle", I will choose who I think should move on, but my friend Cody will also choose his opinion. If our opinions clash, then my sister will intervene to decide who should win.

And so, here are the villains:

- Sephiroth (Game, Final Fantasy VII)

- Azula (TV, Avatar: The Last Airbender)

- Eric Cartman (TV, South Park)

- The Joker (Movie, The Dark Knight)

- The Ghosts (Game, Pac-Man)

- Gormagon (TV, Bones)

- Ganondorf (Game, The Legend of Zelda)

- Scar (Movie, The Lion King)

- Darth Vader (Movie, Star Wars)

- Al Capone (Movie, The Untouchables)

- V.I.K.I. (Movie, I Robot)

- Eagle Eye (Movie, Eagle Eye)

- Bowser (Game, Mario series)

Satan (TV, Reaper)

Red Skull (Game, Captain America and The Avengers)

Stewie Griffin (TV, Family Guy)

You can find the reason I chose these characters, as well as images of them, on the new Live Wire website.

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