Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Consoles: Obsolete?

The "microconsole", as well as the controller created specifically for OnlIve

Everyone is buzzing about the new gaming system to be unveiled at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) - the only thing is, it isn't a gaming system.

OnLive is called a "microconsole" - the small attachment you see above can be plugged into Windows XP, Vista, Mac, or your TV. You can download games directly to your computer. And these aren't crappy flash games - these are full-fledged games such as Crysis Wars. Could this be the end of the consoles?

Live Wire doesn't think so. While OnLive could be revolutionary, it seems that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are going to figure out how to stop this competition... if only these money-hungry companies could work together instead of fighting...

OnLive is currently in closed Beta, meaning that we can't try it. But by the end of this year it is supposed to be released, assuming that it works just as well as it's planned to. And if it does, OnLive already has some major publishers backing it: EA, Take-Two, Ubisoft, and Eidos, just to name a few.

OnLive - the end of consoles?

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