Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Website: Entertonement

Websites such as, Pandora, and Project Playlist are great for listening to music. Unfortunately, none of them really hold up when it comes to a certain sub-set of music that is very popular: video game music. Series such as Final Fantasy, The Legend of Zelda, Halo, and
others all have amazing and memorable soundtracks, that are sadly lacking from most websites.

That's where Entertonement comes in. Similar to Youtube, Entertonement allows its members (you can sign up for free) to upload sound bites of widely varying lengths. Although you can listen to quick sound bites, such as jokes from a TV show, many sound bites can have a length of multiple minutes. Because of this, the website has become popular for sharing video game music.

Here is just a few of the "albums" that gamers might find interesting:

- Final Fantasy VII

- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

- Mario

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