Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Flash Game Review: Hedgehog Launch 2

Being a big fan of Hedgehog Launch, I was very excited when I saw that Hedgehog Launch 2 available for play. In the excitement, I didn't realize something: it's nearly impossible to improve Hedgehog Launch. While the game isn't "amazing", any changes to it would likely be for the worse. I immediately realized this once I began to play the sequel.

The story, involving a mission to the Moon (underground, through Nebraska), is light-hearted and fun, just like the original. The gameplay is incredibly similar - there is no discernible difference. But the background is much different; instead of the "cartoon-y" drawings of the original, the game features photographed backgrounds. This seems quite strange, and simply "out of place".

After experiencing the game, I can safely say that this game is a step down from the original Hedgehog Launch. I'm glad that they gave it another whirl, but if you are an avid fan of the original, you might want to avoid this game. 4.5/10

Play Hedgehog Launch 2 here!

Image credit: (*Image from original game)

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