Monday, June 15, 2009

'Super Mario Galaxy 2' To Be "Bright And Fun"

According to Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto, the upcoming Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't be heavy on story-telling, and will simply be a fun and vibrant game.

Miyamoto claimed he would like "as little story as possible" in the recently announced sequel to Super Mario Galaxy.

Personally, I think this is a wise decision - since the origianl Super Mario Bros., the Mario series has never had a big focus on story-telling, unlike the Zelda series. Miyamoto's decision may help the game have a better focus on gameplay and graphics.

In other Wii news, Miyamoto has stated that the next Wii Zelda game will have Wii MotionPlus as a requirement - while this may not seem like a large shock, fans are unhappy at having to spend even more money to enjoy the next installment in the Zelda series.

Quotes credit to IGN. Image credit to

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