Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Episode In Review: A Beautiful Delusion (Mental)

electric overdrive will no longer post updates on E3, except certain announcements on twitter. However, it will post on all the major announcements of E3 once it has concluded, in a new "Post-E3" series.

I was highly expectant of this episode of Mental, simply because I was amazed at the pilot episode. However, while I cannot say it was not enjoyable, it didn't hit the same level of excitement as the previous episode.

The case, regarding a man who believes that his wife is pregnant (when she is actually not, as revealed by a ultrasound) and has even made his wife believe it, was incredibly interesting. This was clearly the highlight of the episode.

Unfortunately, while Dr. Jack Gallagher has been characterized a great deal already, the rest of the cast still seems unfamiliar. The attempts at developing their characters seem awfully forced and choppy, as if it was just thrown in at the end of the creation of the episode.

I do believe this show has potential, but we'll just have to wait and see if it can live up to it. 7/10

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