Tuesday, June 16, 2009

'Batman 3' Updates

According to some recent rumors, director Christopher Nolan may not be attached to the next installment in the Batman trilogy. Batman-On-Film, the leading source on the latest Batman films, has reported that, despite his already working on a script, Nolan may not return for the end of the trilogy.

Christopher Nolan was apparently hit "hard" by Heath Ledger's death - this is understandable, as the two had been working together on the film for many months (Ledger passed away near the end of the production of the film). But is this enough to keep Nolan from returning to direct the next film?

Right now, no one knows if Nolan will return, though the signs say he will. However, Warner Bros. is preparing, just in case he doesn't come back. Warner Bros. listed Zack Snyder, the director of films Watchmen and 300 as a possible candidate to replace Nolan.

Personally, I could see this happening. While his style is certainly different the epic feel of 300 could easily be transferred to the Batman series, even if it would mean the loss of some of it's "darkness". However, most fans would be very upset at the change of directors - this would mean major changes, and cast members might be wary to return if the director has changed.

Image credit: pickmore.com (here).

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