Friday, February 20, 2009

Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen - Thoughts And Opinions

As I'm sure you all know, the new Transformers movie is coming out this summer, and is sure to be a blockbuster hit. Being a huge fan of Transformers (thanks to my brother, who actually grew up in the 80's, I'm also a fan of TMNT), I was excited to see the first movie. The best part was, it wasn't at all cheesy - it was an exciting action movie, even if Michael Bay focused a little too much on the government part of the plot.

A "new" transformer being introduced: Soundwave.

This leads me into my next point: how will Michael Bay handle this epic sequel (or, in actuality, how did he)? On the commentary of the first film, Michael Bay stated he wanted more close-ups of the robots for a sequel. I'm really hoping this came true, because I don't think we got enough glimpses of the Transformers, which is something that should of been done. However, I am slghtly worried about the plot - did Michael Bay do a good job creating this sequel, or will it turn into the kind of sequel like Shrek?

I'm feeling hopeful that Bay did a good job, and I'm sure that Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox will play their roles well again. The animation team will no doubt impress again - the first movie's graphics were unbelievably life-like.

Stay tuned for more information and updates regarding Transformer: Reveng of The Fallen. It's definietely on my list of movies to see this summer.

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