Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Flash Game Review: Dogfight 2

Like I said, here is another flash game review, this one also created by Rock Solid Arcade. I will not be reviewing the older Dogfight because I have played Dogfight 2 first and I would be much too harsh if I rated the first one.

Click here to play Dogfight 2

The first time I played Dogfight 2, I wasn't expecting much. I had never heard of Rock Solid Arcade, so I didn't know how good they were, and I had also never played a flight game (at least, not in flash). I was amazed at what Flash was capable of. Rock Solid Arcade has taken online games to the next level.

Dogfight 2 will blow you away with it's amazing attention to graphics and details. When you fire at an enemy plane (by pressing Space), you will see the holes appear in the plane. When more damage is dealt, you will see white smoke being released from the plane. When even more damage is dealt, the smoke will turn black. This isn't all; the graphics are also very sharp (just like Robokill), and the explosions are realistic.

Each level is unique in it's own way. For example, while the first level simply has you fighting two planes, another level might have you facing bomber planes, defending your camp, escaping a hail of gunfire, or even bombing down a zeppelin. The possibilities are endless, and Rock Solid Arcade has taken advantage of that.

The attention to detail, coupled with the originality of each level make for a truly astounding game.

Dogfight 2 also has another thing going for it that is sadly lacking in many flash games: sound. The background music of the game is intense and very fitting, while the action sounds are highly realistic. You can hear the sound of your guns firing, but you can also hear a new sound when they make contact with an enemy. Your bombs even sound realistic as they drop and explode.

I give Dogfight 2 a 9.5/10. The only reason I could think of to take that .5 away was the easiness. Dogfight 2 has many easy levels, but unfortunately, no difficulty settings. That is it, however; the game is entirely perfect other then that one simple fault.

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