Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blast From The Past: Final Fantasy VII

Ah, yes, the old Final Fantasy VII. One of the greatest games of all times, it has recieved numerous awards and recognitions, and has even been credited with the popularization of RPGs (Role Playing Games) in the United States.

Although many people claim that the game was "over hyped" and many still claim it is over-rated, I believe the game deserves everything it's gotten. The gameplay is rich and exciting, and the Materia system is very in-depth. And even though the game was on PS1, the gameplay graphics are not bad, and the video graphics are absolutely stunning.

The story is long and interesting, spanning an entire 3 discs. It involves a wide range of characters, from your party to your enemies (and sometimes both).

I must state one of the best parts of the game: the music. A team of expert composers created the soundtrack to this game, which includes classical music along with more modern pieces. I strongly suggest you head over to to hear all of the amazing tracks in this game.

I give Final Fantasy VII a 10/10 - truly stunning. One of the greatest games in history.

** Edit: I've added some music from the game.

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