Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sony Diches DLC For Gran Turismo PSP

After a shocking 5-year development cycle, Gran Turismo PSP is finally set for release October 1 of this year. And with such a long time for development, gamers will definitely be expecting a big game - and, apparently, this will all be coming right in the box.

It has been confirmed by Sony that no "DLC" (Downloadable Content) will be released for GT PSP. This could be a slightly controversial move; fans often want the most out of their games and devices, and simply because the PSP is capable of downloading extra content, fans will expect that it is available. But there is the other side of fans, who feel that, once they buy a game, they should have the whole game.

The game is to have "800+" cars, so DLC will not be necessary

Personally, I believe DLC should be available in just about all games. Nobody is forced into downloading extra content, and it does provide a more robust gaming experience for those who are willing to play a little extra for it. It's a little unfortunate that not all developers are embracing this concept; Nintendo could easily make thousands by allowing fans to downlad new characters for Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Gran Turismo PSP is slated for release October 1, 2009.

Image credit: IGN (here).

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