Thursday, July 2, 2009

Flash Game Review: Warfare 1944

When approaching sequels, I am usually very cautious - but when it comes to games, console or Flash, sequels are almost always better, the sole reason being, the gameplay usually remains the same, but with some new additions that change it for the better. That is exactly what happened with Warfare 1944.

The original game, Warfare 1917, was universally well-received, with an average rating of 9.4/10 on Armor Games, and over 13 million plays. It was an original idea, too - a strategy game set during World War I as opposed to World War II. So, with all of this positive attention, it would be foolish to not make a sequel. Enter Warfare 1944.

I'll start off with some of the changes. The two armies playable are the U.S. and Germany - not a noticeable change, but a change none-the-less. Gameplay has changed a decent amount, while still keeping the exciting action of the original. Troops can now be deployed in one of three Deployment zones - this has a major impact on gameplay, because different Deployment Zones have different amounts of Cover (Cover being comparable to the trenches of the original game).

Another major change to gameplay is the addition of Resource Points. While you still have to wait to access a certain type of troop, you can order two different types within moments of each other - assuming you have enough Resource Points. You start off with 800 RP, and steadily gain 200 every few seconds or so. Riflemen cost 200 RP, for example. This makes the game move much faster - a much needed addition, in my opinion.

The Fire Support system has also changed. To order Fire Support, you must have a Office on the field. He can order Fire Support, but at a price - 400 RP for an Air Strike, and 500 RP for an Artillery Strike. With this cost, it is much easier to order Fire Support, which leads to the destruction of tanks much faster. An important feature, for sure, because in the previous games, Tanks were a nearly indestrucible force. Bazooka Teams also make the destruction of Tanks faster.

Warfare 1944 is undoubtedly a great improvement over Warfare 1917. The action is at a faster pace, and Tanks are no longer incredibly powerful. The Defensive/Objective missions makes the game more "fresh", though the Defensive missions are mostly for the German campaign. I can't think of a bad word to say about the game - 10/10.

Image credit: Con Artist Games (here).

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