Tuesday, July 21, 2009

'Futurama' Cast To Be Replaced

Fanboys may have been excited over the return of Futurama, but perhaps they shouldn't get their hopes up: several news outlets have reported that the entire cast of Futurama is to be replaced.

According to 2oth Century Fox, the reason for this major change is their inablity (or, more likely, reluctance) to meet "their [the Futurama cast] salary demands". Seeing as animated shows usually have low budgets, this isn't a surprise, but considering the overwhelming fan response, Fox would be wise to meet these "demands" to please their fans.

Variety reports that the show, while it is indeed returning, will have the incredibly low budget of $75,000 per episode. Their is a small chance that the original voice actors will return, especially considering the overwhelming fan response, because a similar event occured with the cast of The Simpsons a few years back.

Check back for updates on this astounding development in the return of Futurama.

Image credit: diggin88nine.wordpress.com (here).

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