Sunday, August 16, 2009

Flipnote Studio Rocks

It's certainly no game, so it won't be getting an "official" review - but that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve the same amount of attention. For the low price of nothing (yes, it's free), you can download one of the most interesting additions for the DSi since it's release.

Although the DSi is selling like crazy, some DS Lite owners aren't ready to make the switch - although the new system has two cameras, the abilty to upload pictures to Facebook, and the ability to download games and other features, the $170 price tag is a little much. While Flipnote Studio
certainly isn't a huge release, it might just be enough to make a few fans make the switch.

The free application allows DSi owners to create the electronic equivalent of flipbooks. There are plenty of tools, such as copy/paste, different paint brushes, and color inverting, the core of the app is drawing with the stylus. Once you finish drawing on a page, you can move to the next
simply by clicking the D-Pad, and you will see a gray version of what you just drew, allowing you to smoothly transition your "flipbook" to the next frame.

These cartoons can be very simple, with stick figures simply moving around, though with a little time and effort, you can create very intricate cartoons with complex drawings, and even sounds. If you're too lazy to make one of these yourself, you can view hundreds of cartoons uploaded by users of the app using Flipnote Hatena - and you can upload them yourself using the same service.

Another useful feature is the ability to share your flipnotes with friends that also have the DSi. Simply be within the correct range of them, and you can wirelessly transfer your creations to them, allowing them to save your flipnotes onto their DSi or SD Card.

While I do think the app itself is fun, the "selling point" (in quotes because it's free) of Flipnote Studio will be the sharing concept. It opens up an entire host of possibilities with the DSi that we are simply not seeing yet - and, knowing Nintendo, we might not for quite awhile.

Note: I'll be uploading a few of my own Flipnotes soon, but be warned - they are not good.

Image credit: (here), Nintendo Limited (here).

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